Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Shop Images

The Beginning of the end- We had taken everything out and started to clean before we decorated.

The outside of the shop, it is one of the 1600th century shops on Frodsham high Street.

Felt good to be finally able to turn this around to OPEN

Shop interior finished

A Place to meet our couples to view and discuss their photography needs.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Felicitations is Open!

Well as it turns out i am pretty useless at keeping up to date with my blog, but in my defense i have had a very busy month. As i was saying in my last blog we were looking at a shop, which we now lease!! It is all very exciting if a little daunting.
It is a little bit different as it is not a Studio, but more of a gallery. It is so couples can just drop in for a brew and have a look through the albums and pictures, or make an appointment. Online advertising is amazing but sometimes you need to view a product in the flesh to get a real idea of quality so we are taking it back to the high street.
 We completely gutted it and have redecorated, and it now looks fab even if i do say so myself, I will add pictures soon.
 Juggling being a mum, wife and setting up shop makes for a busy life but i wouldn't change any of it, just need a few more hours in the day, as the main thing that seems to be suffering is the house work (and the hubby's sanity) A very clingy baby does not help either.
Will at some point get round to adding some more weddings on and photos of before and after of the shop as well.
Bye for now xx