Saturday, 31 August 2013

Andrew and Remy- Rowton Hall

Andrew and Remy- 25/05/13

Andrew and Remy are possibly one of the nicest couples we have ever had the pleasure to meet, which defiantly made photographing their wedding on my 30th Birthday a lot easier. My wonderful husband decided to book their wedding in on my birthday without consulting me first.
However we had such a lovely time with them that i didnt mind at all. Plus i got a mega birthday pressie for the hubbies booking!

Andrew and Remy had their wedding service at Rowton Hall as well as their party. They were all staying there to get ready so it meant we had a lot more time with them on their day as there was no traveling involved.

From the moment we arrived everyone was having  great time, laughing and joking around in the hotel, listening to a bit of 'Queen B'

Remy wanted to have hair and makeup to look like Cheryl Cole and Kim Kardashian. I think she looked fab and she never stopped smiling so was super easy and looked great on all her pictures.

Andrew was waiting downstairs for Remy, have a drink and relax with the guests prior to the wedding service.

 Remy's dad clocking us taking his picture!

 Andrew was having some difficulty with the fastening of his trousers!

When Remy came downstairs for the wedding with her bridesmaids, she looked radient. If she was nervous it didnt come across. Andrew looked a bit more nervous though.

It was a lovely service and looked beautiful. They had had room decorators, who had done a fantastic job and it was stunning.

 It was an incredibly poignant wedding and the speeches even got me welling up, which doesn't happen that often as we become a bit immune to them seeing them all the time.

All i can say is that it was a pleasure spending my birthday with you guys on your wedding day. I hope the pictures give them some good memories and do this lovely couple justice.
I wish them a life time of happiness.


Saturday, 17 August 2013

Sara and Tim Tarporley

 Sara and Tim

We started the day off with the Groom Tim and the The Swan Hotel in Tarporley , where his Ushers, Best Man and Best Woman were all having a drink and some lunch.
The men were all watching the rugby whilst Tim was busying away on his list of photos and jobs he had to do.

We only had a small walk from the pub up to Tim and Sara's house where Sara was getting ready with her friends and family. Because the church was in Tarporley centre as well Sara was walking down herself if the weather was nice.

Sara's dress was stunning in a modern Grace Kelly style. It was just perfect for the English country wedding!!

The walk down to the church was beautiful and the weather was just perfect.

Tim was a little chocked going through their vows, and there was not a dry eye in the church!

After their wedding vows, we all drove over to Sara's parents home where they were having a marquee reception. This was a lovely touch as everyone was very relaxed as they were running the day themselves.

Tim had tried to keep a secret that he used to do wedding photography and it showed a little through the day in his organising of the group photos. We have photographed a few photographers weddings over the last few years and we don't let it bother us as we know they have piked us for a reason and put a lot of thought into their photography.

It was a joy to capture their day as they were so happy to be together
