Saturday, 5 February 2011

Joanne and Dave St Albans Cathedral

Joanne and David are a lovely couple that we met through my mother in law, who worked with Joannes Mum.  Joanne was originally from Mersey side not far from us in Cheshire, Her and her fiance  now live and work in St Albans. They wanted us to photograph their wedding so off we trotted down to St Albans, and i was glad we did. It truely is a B-E-A-Utiful city!
And as David worked in the School attached to the cathedral they were allowed to marry there in the cathedral. I dont think there could be a more spectacular building to say your vows to one another. They then had their reception party at St Michaels Manor Hotel, with its vintage chic feel.
Grand Four poster room at St Michaels Manor Hotel in St Albans.
Joanne was not sure initially that she was worried about getting a photo of her shoes until she had picked them! Maybe it is just me but i love a Shoe!

Posing for a photo on the way out of the hotel

Joanne talking to the priests before her walk down the isle. They took their vows in the Lady Chapel. Although in the vast Cathedral the lady chapel had a small intimate feel. 

I have to admit i was a little jealous as the married couple made their way out of the cathedral as it was possibly the longest walk i have yet to see at a wedding!

St Albans Cathedral in all its glory.

St Michaels Manor Hotel

All in all this was a pleasure and honour of a wedding to photograph, the cathedral was breath talking and the hotel was lovely. With most ( not all admitadly ) couples you get to spend a good deal of the day that they will class as the best day of their lives, what other job can you do that with?

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