Thursday, 25 August 2011


Well what can i say- it has been a while!!

 I can only say that i have let the blog slip not due to my inherent laziness but due to the fact that we have been very busy- Honest!!!

I think i will probably break all the things we have been doing down into a few blogs or it might become a bit too wordy.

On a business note- a few business's in Frodsham have all got together to create a Wedding fayre based on Frodsham high street suppliers as there are quite a few of us all in the wedding business together. It feels like a really productive thing to do. We are starting off with a Wedding fayre in 'The Old Hall Hotel' on the 22nd September between 6pm til 9pm. So come on down to meet all of Frodshams very friendly wedding suppliers and then know that if you need to find them again they are all here on the high street too! 

We are then going to talk about all opening late one night a month so people can come and sort out wedding jobs after work rather that using all their weekends up!

Will keep posting more info on the late nights as they are set in stone!

Bye for now

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