Monday, 5 September 2011

I've been a pondering

Being surrounded by weddings almost all of the time it often gets me wondering if I was todo it all again would I do it any differently?
The honest answer would have to be yes! And no! Being a few years older I am a little more sure of myself and think I would be more confident to just do what I wanted rather than what was expected or to feel the pressure of others, whether they meant it or not.
Daft things for example was I reply really wanted a cathedral length veil with a lace scolloped edge, but my mum and the lovely people in the shop said it would distract from the detail in the back of the dress. It may well have done but non the less it is something i have always wished i had changed.
But in the grand scheme of things, i married my best friend and get to spend the rest of my life with him (give him a big head!)and weather i would change the colour of the favours or the type of dessert we had is by the by and not a detail most people really remember.
I have to admit being around a lot of weddings i do often find they all have a similar look and feel of them but that is also because that is what has been tried and tested over the years and seems to work.
I do however find it refreshing when a couple manager to stamp a piece of themselves onto their day, and is something i look forward to seeing and capturing in every wedding and their photography.


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